Who Needs Church?

An encouragement to attend church from a secular perspective.

David James
5 min readJul 18, 2023
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

When tuning in to the popular podcast, The Diary of a CEO, to learn how to form good habits and improve concentration I did not expect to be directed to the benefits of attending church or a place of worship.[1]

The guest, Nir Eyal, describes himself as secular and a sceptic, yet he argues for the positive significance of religion in our lives. He describes the benefits of church as “amazing” and concludes that those who do not attend a place of worship “give up a lot”.

It was an unexpected but positively intriguing proposition from Eyal. The intrigue lay in the unexpected source of encouragement to attend church. Nir Eyal is a behavioural design expert who has co-founded two technology companies, lectured in Marketing at Stanford Business School and is the author of two bestselling books regarding forming good habits and how to avoid distraction. His comments on this podcast led me to explore his thoughts, a wider perspective on church, and why he is advocating attending church.


Nir Eyal’s surprising endorsement for church attendance regards the significance of community. It is the local and the personal approach that church offers that Eyal focuses on. He describes it as a place that is constant…



David James

Christian Theology student providing content on faith, Christianity, culture and how that impacts us today.